
now / flow

that's happening in my life right now

Jan 3, 2025#quote#life-update

priority, passion, and career

Find a thing, get good at it, get paid for it - and only then, focus on your passion


Passion and career are two different things. I was raised told that I should do whatever I feel passionate about so the time passes faster. Being good enough at something is a mean, not an end. Seing how everyone is confused by their relationship to work is strong confirmation of this statement.


In span of 2 weeks written two substack posts which i had in drafts, happy to move them to published.

Dec 18, 2024#reflection

December Moorings

Margazhi, holy month of music (15th Dec to Jan 14th), is here. Year after year, i do madras sabha hoppings to sample both the musical ragas and the sabha canteens to check out the seasonal Vazhaipoo Vadai (banana blossom fritter). Such is the vibe of this season.

now, i am in united states, and i am missing the Margazhi season... trying to recreate the vibe by listening to the Thirupaavai and cooking the Vazhaipoo Vadai. I am also trying to keep a new tradition of my own, by reflecting on what i need and what not.



December Moorings

A patterned sky with birds flying in the distance — is that the arrows point backwards so nobody gets lost on the way back home. Isn't that clever?

December Moorings

Tried my hand at making Vazhaipoo Vadai — a seasonal favorite during the Margazhi in Chennai. Actually turned out pretty good for a first try!

Nov 25, 2024#life-update

Getting lost in nature

Nature is one thing I relearned to admire in the last two months, it's an fascinating feeling to dive through every layer of nature on our little planet. There's so much complexity and fascinating things to see from just being calm and open.

One thing I've noticed is that tech-savvy individuals, who often spend significant time in front of screens, tend to be drawn to nature and value this time. This is an interesting phenomenon, maybe you can relate.



Getting lost in nature

Experiencing nature without fully immersing oneself can feel hazy and indistinct.

Getting lost in nature

A close-up exploration of the intricate textures and vibrant hues of nature.

Oct 11, 2024#todo

Organize this Now Feed

My website's now feed is a bit of a mess. I wanted somewhere to post more regularly, but it just doesn't work as it is. It's all over the place.

So, I'm planning to merge my /notes and now sections into one big feed. I'll use filters and tags so you can still easily find what you're looking for.

Sep 28, 2024#life-update

September Review

September was the most relaxing month of the year. It’s interesting that came at the heels of the most stressful month of the year. Or probably not. Because I recognised what needed changing and changed it.

Here are the cliff notes for the month:

  1. I stayed true to the ‘no obligations’ mantra. I pulled out of clubs, meetings, and projects that felt energy-draining and obligatory.
  2. I let go of a long-term friendship that had been a source of much anxiety and distress. It was one of the hardest things I’ve done and took a lot of courage but I know that I did the right thing.
  3. I declined to connect with people that I didn’t feel good connecting with.
  4. I did connect with people that are uplifting and fun. I feel blessed to know them.
  5. I started taking Sundays off for restaurant hopping.
  6. I read 15 books – 10 non-fiction and 5 fiction.
  7. I spent a lot of time reading books that are about ‘less but better’ such as Essentialism, Free to Focus, and The One Thing. These taught me the importance of not having too many goals. It’s critical to identify those things that are our highest forms of contribution to the world and focus our energy on them.
Aug 18, 2024#life-update


I haven’t written in a very long time. I see it as I see the dates. I have so much to write about. There have been moments when I have thought to myself - “yes, this happened. i should put it on the blog , yes. my internet nerds will like this.”

okay - i won’t try to remember everything. I have to be recent.

May 24, 2024#quote

I love Brunch

I go to sleep early, but sometimes I’m so excited about breakfast that it keeps me up.

Zeb Ramsbotham

Very relatable. I love brunch, and the quiet time I get before anyone else is up. I admit to often counterproductively and obsessively thinking of how to best leverage this precious time, which, like Zeb keep me up and further away from it. When I just let it happen, it is Grand.

Apr 11, 2024#life-update


I went to a popular bookstore here today, called Blossoms’, and got a couple of books. I wasn’t intending to get any at first and I only went because of a friend, but then I started reading something with interest and after reading a few pages I thought that I should after all buy something. Let’s hope it’s not one of those times that I buy something and then never read it again.

I got a different book from the one I had started reading, and I understand that it sounds like a stupid thing to do, but I had my reasons. I am too lazy to explain, but I did get a new scientist book and then I saw one at the counter titled “The Beauty of Everyday Things” and it attracted me. I want to find beauty in everyday things. It’s my kind of philosophy. That there is beauty in everyday things. There are things to feel excited about which aren’t out of the ordinary. I want that, so that I don’t trivialize the ordinary.

I wanted to hear out the author’s take and explore my own beliefs more deeply. I read a couple of pages and so far I’ve not been disappointed. I am so excited that I’ll read a few more this night.

I’m done filing my ITR after all ehehe.

Life’s good. I need a job or a convincing reason to startup is all. I’m in some talks and experimentation. Might have an update on this at some point.

Feb 16, 2024#career-update


I started diversifying my skillset:

  • small business fundamentals
  • software sales (B2B SaaS)
  • digital marketing & SEO
  • even a bit of policy & regulation

& with that came much more perspective: I see the bigger picture of "product" much more clearly now.

Let's build futures worth seeing

I'm back
& I'm codin' again
but this time it's different...

Jan 6, 2024#quote

No interest, Take rest

Nothing is more peaceful than having no interest in a anyone

popular statement seen online

While the first read seems to indicate a desire to justify, perhaps even appreciate solitude rather than seek attention and romance, I hear something broader. Especially when replacing the term ‘anyone’ with ‘something’. I’m rarely at peace with rejecting something or someone, even when I have truly no interest. Saying no allows peace to be kept and judgment surrendered, ideally on both sides.

09:33:42 AM

10th of January, 2025